This devotion may be used before or after the evening meal.
A candle may be lit during the following Scripture:
How excellent is your mercy, O God!
The children of men shall take refuge under the shadow of your wings.
For with you is the well of life,
and in your light shall we see light. Psalm 36:7, 9
Phos Hilaron
O gladsome light,
pure brightness of the everliving Father in heaven, *
O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed!
Now as we come to the setting of the sun,
and our eyes behold the vesper light, *
we sing your praises, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices, *
O Son of God, O Giver of Life,
and to be glorified through all the worlds.
A reading from holy scripture may be added.
A period of silence may follow.
Prayers may be offered for ourselves and others. (See the “Pray for…” section of the orientation.)
Pray The Lord’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread. Grant this for the sake of your love. Amen.
Nunc Dimittis – The Song of Simeon
Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, *
according to your word.
For my eyes have seen your salvation, *
which you have prepared before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, *
and to be the glory of your people Israel.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world
without end. Amen. Luke 2:29-32
The almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
bless us and keep us, this night and evermore. Amen.