An Anglican church in Kenosha, WI

Our service blends three great traditions: Anglican liturgy, charismatic worship, and evangelical preaching. Why? Because tradition, Biblical teaching and Spirit-filled worship ground and equip today’s Christian.
Worship at Light of Christ Anglican Church

Lay Led Services

Every Saturday evening, we gather for Evening Prayer led by a member of the church.

Prayer & Worship

Worship Service

We meet Jesus every week in our worship service, in readings from the Bible and the Lord’s Supper. Our liturgy is rooted in the ancient church’s patterns for worship, based on the instructions and actions of Jesus himself. To meet Jesus, we listen to his words, do what he did and instructed us to do.

House Groups

Online Meetings

We meet Jesus in our questions. Our fears and doubts aren’t foreign to Jesus–and he wants us to talk about them. Our groups meet weekly or monthly to talk through our questions and listen to Jesus and each other for answers.

Special Events

We meet Jesus with each other! Light of Christ loves special events, including our diocesan gathering, annual celebrations, church picnics and more.

Our Ministry Partners

Church of the Resurrection
Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest
Anglican Church in North America